Tips for Summer Fun without Screens

Our Children Want/Need Interaction With Us


Some of you may have heard about the dangers of too much “screen” time for children.  If not you can read about them here.  The important thing to know is that screens cannot replace human interaction.   We are pack animals and we need each other!  Children especially, need our touch, our attention and need to be able to look into our eyes and see that they are okay.  To learn how to connect with the most important people in your life, get my FREE “5 Keys to Connecting.”


Here are some inexpensive activities without screens:


Music with Wooden spoon and a pan

Organizing cabinets, sorting small objects by color or shape

Freeze tag

Red-light, green-light

Baking or cleaning

Planting tomatoes or flowers

Creating grocery list and going shopping

Play “I Spy” with colors or objects

Chalk on the Sidewalk

Bubbles or water guns in the yard

Singing and Dancing


Toddlers act out because the most important thing to them is our attention and they don’t know how to ask for it.    You can read about that in my blog “When Children Act Out”.  We all want to feel connected, accepted and appreciated.  One way to give a toddler attention is to sit with them for at least 15 minutes a day, playing something with them on their level.  Being connected with them and being fully present is a win-win because you both feel accepted, appreciated and loved.


Teenagers act out because they are looking for acceptance and approval. They want to feel accepted and loved even when they make mistakes.  When we model unconditional love with our communication and respect, they feel accepted and connected.  If you want help with communication skills, setting limits, teaching responsibility, or for ideas for spending time with your teen or toddler, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  Initial consultations are FREE!
To connect with me, go to my contact page or FB page.  Have a fantastically Fun Summer!