What is the hardest part about being a parent?
For me, it is confidence. There seems to be a lot of pressure around being a parent. Of course, we don’t want to “mess” up our children and no matter how hard we try, we don’t seem to feel like we are doing it “good enough.”
Parenting is the hardest and most important calling along with being in a relationship or partnership; it’s natural to want to do a good job. So, how do we find balance in providing the love and discipline that children yearn for without feeling the pressure?
We can ask for advice, read books and ask Google but techniques that may work for one child, may not be appropriate for another. Every child brings their own challenge along with their unique personality. We can experiment with one technique, skill or tool at a time. If it works, repeat it until it becomes natural. If it doesn’t work, try to figure out why and change it up a bit.
Once we get one or two tools working, we tend to calm down, feel more confident and are able to connect and communicate better with our children. At first children may be confused and skeptical of the new parenting style. Eventually they start to feel safer, more loved and are less likely to test limits as we gain more skills.
To learn how to do this and have fun parenting, contact me with questions or specifics. I am here to help!